Mag. Iris Augendoppler & Dr. Erich Gemeiner

Law Office Vienna - Justitia

Real Estate and Tenancy Law


Estate and Tenant Law Lawyer

  • Design and review of lease contracts
  • Commercial tenancy law (commercial lease contracts,  company lease agreements)
  • Actions for eviction, lessor’s lien, termination
  • Rent increase, rental reduction

The legal regulations of tenancy law shall protect the tenant of inflated rents, becoming homeless and of wrongful dismissals of the agreement. For the lessor these regulations mean a restriction on his free availability of property. This starting point creates risks and require substantial needs for advice for both parties.

Often rental relationships exist for many years, so recurring disputes shall be avoided. Disputes associated with tenants moving out of the residence have to be solved quick and final. Knowing the Jurisdiction, negotiation skills and assertiveness help to avoid conflicts or at least resolve them out-of-court.